Object Components

The following object components are currently registered:

Name JSON Property Specification Description
Alias alias Audience Targeting for JSON Activity Streams A local alias for an object
Attachments attachments JSON Activity Streams 1.0 A collection of one or more additional, associated objects, similar to the concept of attached files in an email message.
Attended By attendedBy Responses for Activity Streams Used to provide information about the collection of entities that attended an event
Attending attending Responses for Activity Streams Used to provide information about the collection of actors that have responded to an event using the rsvp-yes verb.
Author author JSON Activity Streams 1.0 An Object that describes the entity that created or authored the object. Note that the author field identifies the entity that created the object and does not necessarily identify the entity that published the object.
Content content JSON Activity Streams 1.0 Natural-language description of the object encoded as a single JSON String containing HTML markup.
Display Name displayName JSON Activity Streams 1.0 A natural-language, human-readable and plain-text name for the object. HTML markup MUST NOT be included.
Downstream Duplicates downstreamDuplicates JSON Activity Streams 1.0 A JSON Array of one or more absolute IRIs identifying objects that duplicate this object's content.
Dublin Core dc Activity Schema Dublin Core Metadata related to the object (http://dublincore.org)
End-Time endTime Activity Schema A timestamp indicating the date and time at which the object ended.
Followers followers Responses for Activity Streams Used to provide information about the collection of objects (typically person objects) that are "following" the containing object.
Following following Responses for Activity Streams Used to provide information about the collection of objects that this object is "following".
Friend Requests friend-requests Responses for Activity Streams Used to provide information about the collection of objects with which a "friendship" relationship is being requested using the request-friend verb. This property will typically only be relevant for the person object type.
Friends friends Responses for Activity Streams Used to provide information about the collection of objects with which a "friendship" relationship has been established using the make-friend verb. This property will typically only be relevant for the person object type.
GeoJSON geojson Activity Schema GeoJSON Metadata related to the object (http://www.geojson.org/geojson-spec.html)
ID id JSON Activity Streams 1.0 An absolute URI that uniquely identifies the object.
Image image JSON Activity Streams 1.0 A Media Link that describes a resource providing a visual representation of the object, intended for human consumption.
Invited invited Responses for Activity Streams Used to provide information about the collection of entities that have been invited to an event, or possibly invited to join a group, etc.
Likes likes Responses for Activity Streams Used to provide information about the actors (typically person objects) that have favorited or liked the containing object.
Linked Data for JSON ld Activity Schema JSON-LD Metadata related to the object (http://json-ld.org)
Links links Activity Schema Links associated with the object
Location location Activity Schema An object construct representing the location at which the activity occured.
Maybe Attending maybeAttending Responses for Activity Streams Used to provide information about the collection of actors that have responded to an event using the rsvp-maybe verb.
Members members Responses for Activity Streams Used to provide information about the actors (typically person objects) that have "joined" the containing object. This is typically only useful for object types that represent groups.
Mood mood Activity Schema A human-readable keyword or short phrase describing the mood of the actor at the time the activity was performed.
Not Attended By notAttendedBy Responses for Activity Streams Used to provide information about the collection of entities that did not attend an event
Not Attending notAttending Responses for Activity Streams Used to provide information about the collection of actors that have responded to an event using the rsvp-no verb.
OData odata Activity Schema OData Metadata related to the object (http://www.odata.org)
Object Type objectType JSON Activity Streams 1.0 Identifies the type of object.
OpenGraph opengraph Activity Schema OpenGraph Metadata related to the object (http://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph)
Published published JSON Activity Streams 1.0 The date and time at which the object was published.
Rating rating Activity Schema A rating given as a number between 1.0 and 5.0 inclusive with one decimal place of precision.
Replies replies Responses for Activity Streams Used to provide information about the thread of discussion associated with a given object. Typically, the objects contained will have an implied inReplyTo property value equal to the object containing the replies property.
Reviews reviews Responses for Activity Streams Used to provide information about reviews available for the containing object.
Saves saves Responses for Activity Streams Used to provide information about the actors (typically person objects) that have "saved" the containing object.
Schema.org schema_org Activity Schema Schema.org Metadata related to the object (http://schema.org)
Shares shares Responses for Activity Streams Used to provide information about the actors (typically person objects) that have "shared" the containing object.
Source source Activity Schema A reference to the original source of an object or activity.
Start-Time startTime Activity Schema A timestamp indicating the date and time at which the object was started.
Summary summary JSON Activity Streams 1.0 Natural-language summarization of the object encoded as a single JSON String containing HTML markup.
Tags tags Activity Schema A listing of the objects that have been associated with a particular object using the tag verb.
URL url JSON Activity Streams 1.0 An IRI identifying a resource providing an HTML representation of the object.
Updated updated JSON Activity Streams 1.0 The date and time at which the object was modified.
Upstream Duplicates upstreamDuplicates JSON Activity Streams 1.0 A JSON Array of one or more absolute IRIs identifying objects that duplicate this object's content.